
Are You Protecting Your Child’s Eye In The Online Schooling Era?

Although the pandemic will end surely, this online education will be going to grow further. However, with these growing online schools, Sophia High School says, several side effects on health will grow too.  For example, due to increased screen time eyes are going to suffer. And it is our responsibility as parents to take care of our children’s eyes. So, how to ensure that your child’s eye stays safe from high stress in this era of virtual schools?

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Taking care of child’s eyes during Online Schooling!

When it comes to electronic devices, they emit blue rays which are similar to UV rays in terms of energy and impact. Facing a screen for a long time can easily damage your child’s eye. They do not know it, but you know it. Thus, you must take every little step to teach your children how to use devices.

Put a layer of protection between their eyes and the screen!

There are protective covers available online that filter out most of the UV rays. This ensures that no harmful rays from the screen enter their eye and bring havoc. Another option is to buy protection glasses for your kids that filter out unnecessary blue light. You can buy some fancy cool looking frames to aid their confidence too. Tell them that they are good for their eyes.

There is a costless option too. You may install a blue light filter software. For example, Flux is a great choice. However, this software might sometimes feel to be impacting your experience because the overall colors on the screen will have a reddish hue. You may try these out for digital learning and other activities.

Teach your kids to manage screen time!

This is something that will be going to become a need in the future. Because devices have become like our extended organs, we need to learn to give them and our rest. Tell your kids that devices should be used only when there is a need. If your kids are small, it is easy to tell them the harms of using it extensively. Studies have found out that extensive usage of devices disrupts the sleep cycle, reduces creativity, and leads to depression. Because Online Schooling, Sophia High School says, is going to be a necessary part that will require the usage of devices, it must be adjusted by reducing other screen time.

Play with them when there is time. Be their friend and engage in creative conversation. Teach them how to use social media and how they should not. There are websites like internet matters or FOSI that can teach you how to teach your kids about the internet. It would be a great help.

Tell them to have off-screen time!

It is important to take breaks, no matter what the thing is. When it comes to screen, the general rule is to take a minute’s break every 20 minutes.

Furthermore, decreased physical movements can lead to strain in the neck. Remind your kids to keep doing a few neck exercises every two minutes to relieve the stressed muscles.

Keep their eyes checked annually!

Because they would be exposed to screens for a longer time due to virtual schools, they would also need a regular eye checkup. Remember to take your kids for a regular annual eye checkup to see if things are good. The doctor will also give you some screen time advice. Keep that advice in mind.

If you are looking for Online Schooling, Sophia High School is a great option for your kid’s future. Its innovative ways of teaching prove far more effective than traditional teaching. This blooms up the creative spots of children and lets them think out of the box.

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